In hundreds of communities across the nation, the local Keep America Beautiful local affiliate is known as a non-political, positive, self-sustaining force for community progress that keeps citizens engaged in their local environment while impartially educating neighbors on the ways we can all play a role in maintaining and improving local quality of life.
KAB affiliates bring together dedicated citizens with local businesses, county and local government agencies and neighborhood volunteers to make positive joint-efforts that keep our communities thriving, beautiful in terms of their everyday appearance, and sustainable in terms of environmental quality.
And the result? These activities build long term civic pride and measurable quality of life improvement.
A KAB affiliate is an active, citizen-driven hub of both volunteer and educational activity that enables all citizens to play a part in making progress happen for the community. KAB affiliates communicate positive messages that bring people together to address challenges we all face day-to-day regarding the appearance and sustainability of our natural surroundings.
The KAB affiliate doesn’t point fingers or assess blame (or involve itself in local political debate on any issue) but rather works in partnership with local business and government agencies in a non-confrontational way to promote good practices of community care and provide volunteer manpower to affect constructive environmental change.
KAB affiliate activity is cost-effective for the community, often replacing the need for public or business expenditures and preventing the needless waste of taxpayer or private sector dollars often required for mitigation such as when litter, graffiti or illegal dumping proliferates, or when local recycling or solid waste programs aren’t functioning at peak efficiency.
That is why we contend, now is the time for the Tri-Cities region of Washington to join over 500 communities nationwide in establishing a volunteer-driven, non-political, non-profit Keep America Beautiful affiliate. It is our hope that very quickly, Tri- Beautiful will be the trusted go-to local source for applicable information and volunteer-driven programs and events that our neighborhoods, businesses and government agencies can use to support community appearance and care of the local environment.
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